Monday, May 09, 2005


It was another rainy day today. We had hoped to go on a walk or two that Jarrod had suggested to us, but by the time we packed our bags, posted some items from the post office, and tried to finalise our plans for Africa, it was too late in the afternoon, and still raining. So we spent the rest of the day wandering around the mall and drinking beer. We tried to see a film but missed the afternoon shows and the others would have been too late for us to make our way to the airport for our midnight flight to Johannesburg. We rang our mums for Mother's Day, rang South Africa to try to confirm our safari booking (that leaves the day after we get to South Africa) and I think it was when we realised that we were sitting outside 7-11 drinking cheap beer out of cans that we decided to upgrade ourselves to the pub. We went to Murphy's, an Irish pub, for happy hour and usage of their internet services before making our way to the airport.


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