Thursday, May 12, 2005

Safari Day 2 - Animals everywhere!

Highlight of the day: Seeing lion cubs try to roar at the truck.

Today was a very full day driving around Kruger National Park. It's a huge park, covering an area of 21,497 square km (60km wide and over 350km long), and we only saw a small part of it. But we were not disappointed. This is what we saw:

First off, 2 lionesses and 4-5 tiny cubs, which tried to roar at the truck but only came out as a slight 'miaow'; 2 couples of lions having a rendezvous in the bushes; giraffes, buffalos, hippos, lots of 'deer things'-waterbucks, kudu, impala,duikers, rheboks; red-crested korhaun (bird); settle billed storks; sociable weavers and their nests; wildebeests, vervet monkeys, elephants, 4 white rhinos, warthogs, boomslang (venomous snake); ostriches; zebras; kingfishers; maribou storks (carrion eating birds); egrets; African fish eagles; baboons; white-fronted bee eaters (birds); crocodiles; long-tailed shrikes (birds); guinea fowl; egyptian geese.

And I think that's nearly it, save for a few different bird species I may have neglected to write down. We left the camp at 5:45 this morning and didn't arrive back until after 6:00 p.m. It was one of the most exciting days we've ever had. We had another delicious meal and drinks by the campfire to end the day.


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